Sexual Assault Accusations and Defenses

Personal Injury Lawyers: Your Savior When It Comes To Dog Bites

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The first thing that usually comes to mind when one thinks of a personal injury lawyer is a lawyer who assists with a car accident claim. Personal injury lawyers also aid clients who have been bitten by a dog that is not their own pet. Dog bites can lead to hundreds or thousands of dollars in medical fees, and a personal injury attorney can help you get the money you need to pay your medical bills, as well as any lost wages from having to miss work while you heal:…

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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: Six Steps To A Fresh Start

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If you have found yourself with few tangible assets, deep in debt, and underemployed, life can be unmanageable and stressful.  If you have also been facing creditor harassment, threats, and garnishments, you may need to consider filing chapter 7 bankruptcy. There are six basic steps in the process of filing chapter 7. 1.  Get Your Debts and Assets Together You should go through your bills and records to make a list of all your creditors.…

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Protecting Your Gym From A Lawsuit Takes Proper Planning

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When you own a gym, there are certain things that you need to do to ensure that you protect yourself from a potential lawsuit. There are some people in this world who go out of their way to get something for nothing and attempt to find ways to sue small businesses to try to make a quick buck. It is important for you to take the time to meet with a small business attorney to have a disclaimer form created to ensure that you protect yourself and your business from a potential lawsuit.…

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