Sexual Assault Accusations and Defenses

3 Things You Shouldn't Do When Telling Your Kids About Your Divorce

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If you and your spouse are preparing for a divorce, you’re going to have to have a hard conversation with your kids. Even though this might not be something that you’re looking forward to, it’s important to handle this conversation in the best way that you can. These are a few things that you shouldn’t do when having the divorce conversation with your children. 1. Lie As a parent, it’s natural to want to protect your children.…

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Why You Must Have A Corporate Bankruptcy Attorney

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Dealing with a corporate bankruptcy is a long and arduous process. Before anything else, an expert corporate bankruptcy attorney is necessary to get through everything legally. If you are a small corporation, chances are you do not have your own in-house securities law attorney to help. Even if you did, you will still need a specialized corporate bankruptcy attorney. Therefore, there are several things you will need to know about going through the bankruptcy so that you do not end up in the red.…

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How Might Declaring Bankruptcy Affect Your Taxes?

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Whether you’re in the process of having your debts discharged through a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or are reorganizing your debts in a Chapter 13, your taxes will look a little different this year. But it’s important to file; if you don’t file a tax return for the year in which your bankruptcy estate was open, your case could be dismissed or converted, costing you money. Read on to learn more about how declaring bankruptcy can affect your federal income taxes.…

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