Sexual Assault Accusations and Defenses

Top 5 Reasons To Hire An Attorney When You Apply For Social Security Disability

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The process of filing for Social Security disability can be a confusing process, and for those who are already sick or injured, it can be both exhausting and intimidating. You may be considering filing for benefits without the help of an attorney, but before you make that decision, read below for the top 5 reasons why legal representation would be helpful. 1.  You won’t miss important deadlines. You only have 60 days to appeal your initial disability claims denial, and missing that deadline means starting all over again with the long and cumbersome application process.…

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Tips For Going Straight To Settlement

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Personal litigation lawsuits can be disastrous, especially for small businesses who don’t necessarily have the capital to deal with lawyer fees or the reputation to weather the attacks on the business as a result of negative press. One of the easiest ways to make sure that a business is able to handle having a personal injury claim brought against them is to do everything possible to make sure that any cases are settled outside of court.…

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4 Important Elements Of A Personal Injury Case

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What types of things are important when you go to consult a lawyer about a personal injury? Read on to discover a few of the fundamental ideas that drive the viability of these types of cases, including workers compensation and premises liability cases. Was the Accident on Premises? One thing that lawyers will look at when listening to a client’s stories is whether the injury happened on a space that is technically the territory or jurisdiction of businesses or other responsible parties.…

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