Regardless of the type of case you’re dealing with, there are several things you need to do in order to ensure you have the greatest possible chance of success during any family court proceeding. While the best advice will come from a family law professional, you can start preparing long before any documents are filed, or retainers are paid. Different types of cases can have varying degrees of stress associated with them, but most cases being tried in a family court can benefit from certain precautions and preparations being undertaken.…
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When it comes to marital arguments, money (or the lack thereof) often tops the list – so it’s no surprise that bankruptcy court and divorce court often intersect. However, until recently, bankruptcy judges were prohibited from deciding other types of cases, even when these cases had to be litigated before the bankruptcy matter could proceed. A recent Supreme Court decision could significantly alter this practice by allowing bankruptcy judges to decide other types of cases that come before them in certain situations.…
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If you are a going through a divorce, the stress of your situation can make it hard to tell if you are making the right decisions. Especially if kids are involved, you need to make sure that your divorce is handled correctly and professionally. Going through this emotional time can make it difficult to think through every decision with a level head. Here are three mistakes you should try to avoid during your divorce proceedings.…
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