Sexual Assault Accusations and Defenses

Lump Sum Alimony: What You Need To Know

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When a couple divorces, one of the terms of the divorce may call for continuing financial support for one of the former spouses. Typically, these alimony payments become a monthly legal responsibility that one ex-spouse must continuously make to the other until the other one remarries. However, there is another option besides these typical month-to-month alimony payments, lump sum alimony.   What is Lump Sum Alimony? Several states have made it possible for former spouses to settle their alimony obligations with a single lump sum payment rather than the traditional series of monthly payments.…

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The Probate Process In Four Simple Steps

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Probate can seldom be avoided entirely, in spite of numerous claims to the contrary. Not all estate assets are appropriate for trusts and transfer-on-death designations, and as long as a will exists, it will need to go through probate. Probate is a legal process that helps ensure that the estate’s assets are distributed according the deceased’s wishes and that all legal obligations of the estate are satisfied. It is to your benefit to have a good understanding of the probate process, so read on for the four simple steps of probate.…

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Beyond Legal Fees: Other Factors Affecting The Cost Of Divorce

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Just because you plan to hire the cheapest lawyer in your town it doesn’t mean you will have the cheapest divorce possible. Legal costs aren’t the only things that affect the overall cost of the divorce. There are other salient factors to consider, such as: Chosen Divorce Route There are many routes for divorcing, and some inevitably prove more costly than others. Generally, the longer a divorce takes, the more costly it proves.…

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