Sexual Assault Accusations and Defenses

3 Ways To End Your Marriage

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The challenges of being married can simply prove to be too many for some couples. Studies show that 45%-50% of first marriages do end in divorce. This rate increases significantly with second and third marriages, as well. If you’re in this unfortunate relationship predicament, you will want to know the various legal methods for divorcing. Uncontested Divorce If both of the spouses agree the marriage should end, the uncontested divorce is the simplest one to choose.…

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Tips For Planning Your Estate

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If you have dependents, then it is never too early to start estate planning, regardless of how much money you have or make. A proper estate plan will ensure that your loved ones are cared for and that your belongings are distributed as you see fit in the event of your death. Here are some tips that you might want to think about when it comes to estate planning: Gifts…

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What DUI Plea Deal Options Do I Have?

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Depending on the evidence that the prosecutor has against you, it may or may not be a better idea to accept a plea deal rather than going to a jury trial. The best outcome is for you to be found innocent and to be cleared of all charges. However, if this is unlikely, you may only be required to take a course on drunk driving and engage in community service. Not only will your penalties be lighter, but you will also spend less money in legal fees.…

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