You’ve put thousands of dollars and several years of your life into your education. Your school promised that you and other graduates help finding a job – and you find out that their promises are mostly smoke and mirrors or that your education doesn’t qualify you for what you thought. If you decide to sue, you’ll be among a growing number of disenchanted graduates who are trying to hold educational institutions accountable for their sales tactics through misrepresentation and fraud.…
If you get sick from secondhand smoke, often called environmental tobacco smoke, you may be eligible for workers comp benefits. In the past, it was hard for employees to get workers comp for secondhand smoke, but new laws have made it easier. Working around smoke puts you at risk for health conditions and the aggravation of existing conditions from breathing the chemicals. Here is some information on workers comp benefits and secondhand smoke.…
The challenges of being married can simply prove to be too many for some couples. Studies show that 45%-50% of first marriages do end in divorce. This rate increases significantly with second and third marriages, as well. If you’re in this unfortunate relationship predicament, you will want to know the various legal methods for divorcing.
Uncontested Divorce
If both of the spouses agree the marriage should end, the uncontested divorce is the simplest one to choose.…
If you have dependents, then it is never too early to start estate planning, regardless of how much money you have or make. A proper estate plan will ensure that your loved ones are cared for and that your belongings are distributed as you see fit in the event of your death. Here are some tips that you might want to think about when it comes to estate planning:
Depending on the evidence that the prosecutor has against you, it may or may not be a better idea to accept a plea deal rather than going to a jury trial. The best outcome is for you to be found innocent and to be cleared of all charges. However, if this is unlikely, you may only be required to take a course on drunk driving and engage in community service. Not only will your penalties be lighter, but you will also spend less money in legal fees.…
The average cost of divorce today is around $15,000 to $20,000. There is no doubt that divorce is costly, in both financial and emotional ways. You may be tempted to try to cut the monetary costs down by doing the divorce paperwork yourself. After all, with a DIY divorce you will only pay the filing fee and the court costs - no attorney fees. Unfortunately, cutting the monetary costs in this way can raise the emotional costs, especially the stress.…
If you are in the middle of a personal injury lawsuit, you might be wondering what you can do to resolve it quickly. By settling the case early, you can save money in legal fees, time and hopefully get a better resolution that if you would take it to trial. This is why most personal injury lawsuits settle. Here are a couple things you can do to get your case resolved quickly.…
If you have been injured at work, then your chances of getting workers’ compensation benefits depends on the strength of your evidence; in this case mostly documentary evidence. The more documents (related to your injury and work) you can gather, the easier it will be to handle your claim process. Here are four categories of documents that should never miss in your claim process file:
Your Medical Reports
Your medical reports are important because they allow your insurer to countercheck your injury claims.…
The process of filing for Social Security disability can be a confusing process, and for those who are already sick or injured, it can be both exhausting and intimidating. You may be considering filing for benefits without the help of an attorney, but before you make that decision, read below for the top 5 reasons why legal representation would be helpful.
1. You won’t miss important deadlines. You only have 60 days to appeal your initial disability claims denial, and missing that deadline means starting all over again with the long and cumbersome application process.…
Personal litigation lawsuits can be disastrous, especially for small businesses who don’t necessarily have the capital to deal with lawyer fees or the reputation to weather the attacks on the business as a result of negative press. One of the easiest ways to make sure that a business is able to handle having a personal injury claim brought against them is to do everything possible to make sure that any cases are settled outside of court.…